veneer[spiral staircase] / 2010
wood, hose, paint, etc
photo d : KOMIYA Taro
A mirror converts reality
into a scene where nobody can get at.
It does not matter how big or how heavy it is,
but “it” will be converted immediately into something to be seen, instead of
something to be touched, as it gets exposed by a mirror. I challenged to
convert the whole gallery space, the environment and the materials into an
By creating the reflected mirror image of the
original spiral staircase, the staircase in the reality will be turned into an
image, and thus this environment itself will coexist with the mirrored reality.
This environment would function as a device which prompts people to have an
image of “mirror”, and through the communication of people and the environment,
it helps us to imagine a boundary between reality and the new world.
鏡子將所有的現實轉換成無法觸碰的景色。比方不論什麼樣的大小跟質量的物體,透過鏡子都轉換成可視卻無法觸碰的影像。在展示空間 Artzone,我嘗試將物質上存在的場所以及其印象轉換成立體物件,將真實存在的旋轉樓梯鏡像之後,實存與虛幻(印象之中)的旋轉樓梯在同一空間中共存。在空間裡人的意識產生不存在的鏡子,透過想像與空間共同建構另一個平行空間。